Proven by biometricas... Terry moore howard Hughes`s doubles the 21 cousins and a aunt plus the hundreds of descendants and attorneys they ALL make a living off the coverup as well does all the colleges that use HHMI moneys and thats is over 200 worldwide now with endless money via patents from HHMI all taxe free.SO one can see why the coverup.I never wanted dime one as DAD-Howard Robard Hughes JR did NOT give hand me downs and the estate is run by mobsters and CON`s.I didn`t see why I didn`t get any money untill all the war on DAD and I than I saw his point all too well.I don`t sell paperbacks or art related to howard hughes`s I write green E and for free for over 15 years and running and I can be seen on face book and our story for free and I have muti-millions of hits over 20 million and still going.Some now are trying to cash in and some late Howard Hughes`s doubles are again being seen I have been here since 1961 and anyone who knew DAD knew me.I can make my own way without being in the heirship welfare program and I do hate what they are doing in Howard Hughes`s name and the lies they tell.MOM Jean Peters loved me and dad but it was better for us all to be apart three targets are harder to hit than one.DAD lost control of his estate before he died and I would have been locked away just like him if I had made a run on the money.BUT they won`t let me live my life or make my own way as they know I will beat them again just as DAD did so I`am shut off but still I`am.